Space and time are different for Faun, a world in a neighboring galaxy inhabited entirely by plant beings. This world is filled with otherworldly entities composed of flora, fauna, and fungi. Their planet exists in a slightly closer special relation to their sun, limiting their winter to help them thrive, as they could not have found survival in the harsher winters of our planets. Yet it does stay in the Goldilocks zone, to allow them to still be able to grow the way they need to. They have the carbon rich air needed to support their growth and livelihood as a species.
However, time is an irrelevant concept to them, they pay no mind as they go through their natural cycles as any plant on Earth would. Just like the plants on Earth, they have no concept of years or meaning behind days. They simply live, occupy, and grow. They have no concept of time as we do, of their own mortality, or of a religion. Just air and soil and sun. By the time they wilt, they have spread pollen far enough for it to be a mere blip on the radar of the world. With no government or societal constructs, none feel more important than any other. In the same respects, the animal kind that live with them also have no real concept of time- as their counterparts here do not. Due to them being closer to the sun, however, their overall year and the time it takes to rotate around the sun is shorter. The planets rotation is also faster than Earth’s, making their days shorter and in turn, their nights shorter as well to ensure the amount of sun they get is not disproportionate as to halt their growth.
This world is united through the processes plants take. As a rule all insects and arachnids on this plant with these plant beings are large due to the oxygen rich environment they are a part of. If humans were to form on this planet through evolution of some kind- they too would be larger than the humans on Earth due to the intense oxygen-rich air they would have. These flora beings have built no society- but a connection to the foliage, soil and atmosphere they occupy in the world around them that humans do not.
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