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In class writing #1- Tarot

King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles sits on his throne of wealth. So caught up in his worldly possessions and his titles that his eyes are blinded to his citizens and their needs. Encased in glamor and lavish robes he loses himself in his own desires, becoming a tyrant in the eyes of his people. What once was a joyous rule and a prosperous land turns harsh and desolate under his hand as his soul turns dark, muddy with the weight of his wrongdoings towards the citizens that once sang his praises. In a way, it entraps him. Their scorn leaves him little reason to think of amends or an offer of an olive branch- leading him to plummet further back into his cage of greed, until he is so black of heart that he does not remember the man he was before. Yes all have heard of The King of Pentacles, but none remember the light-hearted prince he started as. A tragedy of yet another wicked heart twisted by the siren song of greed. 

Page of Pentacles
The Page of Pentacles is a mere child when the King takes his reign. Distant are the memories of a prosperous kingdom, it seems all he has known is the land weighed down by the greed of a tyrant. Even so, this page working for the corrupt nobility has a light heart- untouched by the want for greed and wealth. Hopeful of mind, he sees the best in the people who surround him, and sings praises to the good he finds in each persons heart. A symbol of hope to those beneath him, he is ever kind and giving to all who lack his position. His joyous attitude and steadfast optimism are exactly what the country needed, and it spreads through the peasantry like wildfire. It ignites an rejuvenated sense of unity as a kingdom, and a willingness to make their situations thrive. It lifts the spirits, and the talk of the nation is hope that this spreading sense of love for one another will even reach the throne. If only their favorite page stays strong in heart. 

King of Pentacles as a Mother
Give speech: 
“I understand that you believe your education is the most important, but my child you must remember the family when you think about such lavish dreams. The financial burden it would bring on our household would be massive, now think about your siblings and I and ask yourself again if your education is really the most important. And then pose- perhaps a community college?”
She has arrived home, leaving a trail of papers and business notes behind her as she flurries from once task to the next. Never stopping, she makes dinner as she checks to be sure her children have not strayed from their rigid scheduling. A hand not in motion always lays to rest on her hip, and if she is forced still too long, the foot tapping can be heard through the halls of her home. She needs action, and if her schedule were to drop who knows what she would do.

Page of Pentacles as a Father
Give Speech: 
“We will figure out college. You have been doing amazing in school, and I believe in all you could accomplish in the future no matter which path you choose. We will find a way to make it happen, but your dreams matter, and money is secondary to that.”
He is a father and a friend, a man who is nothing if not the optimist for his children. The stay at home dad, he wakes up with his children. He is seen cooking them breakfast and cutting their sandwiches into shapes before sending them off to school with hugs and encouraging words. He tucks them in to bed and kisses their foreheads at night. 

King of Pentacles as the Protag
As a company is close to closing, The King of Pentacles is places as the CEO. This shrewd, money-minded, usually greedy man may not always be the best of friends, but he can save a failing business. Through a matter of brilliant marketing and tough decision making, he saves their company and he saves multiple families from having to worry about where their next meal is coming from. Though not the kindest, he is always there when it matters in his actions. 

Page of Pentacles as the Antag

The Page is a nice man in word, he talks often about fixing things and trying to help the company prosper, but that rarely equates to action. What good are his soft words and nice anecdotes when they do nothing to help their dire situation. He lets things fall through the cracks, brushes past bills with little care nor worry. His laid-back approaches seem nice, but they are deadly to their business’s prosperity. Once taken down as CEO to be replaced with the King, he plays victim- not understanding how they could kick him off despite his nice words- never realizing his own faults.


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