The land of Green witches is a small, leaf-shaped country in the southern Quadling Country in Oz. Its inhabitants are magical beings who are a quirky mix of gothic folk and hippies. They are environmentally-minded and they use their magic to grow their gardens and keep their land prosperous. They are peaceful people, though if you are a climate change naysayer beware as they are viciously protective of their planet. Their plants are considered their friend- but aside from the large forest trees- their everyday flowers and plants are not 'alive' in the normal Oz sense. Though these witches do see their gardens as their children. Their capitol city of Aspen is run mostly like a community garden- with many witches flying around and caring for their shared plants. They love outsiders coming and seeing their gardens, and heavily welcome people walking through. Eva is another notable city praised for its appeal to thrill seekers. A waterfall park lay at its center- with divin...